Friday, July 22, 2011

Armor of God Vacation Bible School: A sneak peak

Our church is in full swing at VBS. We are not doing the traditional week long VBS. Instead we are having it every Wednesday night in July. This is proving very successful, and definitely the way to go for following years!

Our entrance to the excitement = the registration table (sign your children in, children get their name tags which are different for each crew, and flyers and memory verse magnets for parents to keep track of):

The main room is big and white. It's hard to fill it up. An artist at our church made the awesome armor decorations! My sister made the colorful banner, which adds allot to the big empty room! We've got the memory verses on the wall, too.

We have 4 groups of soldiers - 2 groups for the 5-7 year olds, and 2 groups for the 8-11 year olds. The group leaders chose names for their group, and kids sit at their shield banner during the whole group meeting times.
"Goofy Gladiators" (little kids)

"613th Regiment" (little kids)
this is for Ephesians 6:13 - 18

"God's Conquerers" (older kids)
"Wacky Warriors" (Older kids)
We are raising money to feed Gypsy Children at a soup kitchen in the Ukraine.
$1 will feed a meal to one child. I glued magazine pictures of food to plates, and pin one plate
up for each dollar we raise. This is a good visual for the kids!
I will post more when we are through. I found it so helpful as I prepared for VBS to look at what other churches did for the Armor of God. Hopefully these pictures can inspire someone doing this theme!

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