Friday, July 22, 2011

Bread and Butter Pickles ~ A tutorial

I just made a big batch of pickles on Sunday, and decided to document the process so I could share a tutorial for anyone interested. I am no seasoned canner - this is only my 4th year of canning anything on my own! But here is the recipe that we really enjoy.
Begin by picking your cucumbers...:-)
When you have allot (more then you could possibly eat raw right now)...then it is time to make pickles!!
Bread and Butter Pickles ~ A tutorial
This recipe says it makes 7 pints. I made this recipe about 3 1/2 times over.

Slice your cucumbers. You will need 4 quarts of cucumber slices per batch. Place slices in a large bowl.

Slice 8 medium white onions (2 1/2 pounds) and put with the cucumber slices. Cut in half 3 cloves of garlic (a clove is one piece from the bulb) and add to cucumbers. Next sprinkle 1/3 cup pickling salt on top, and mix well.
Cover with about 2 inches of cracked ice and refrigerate for 3 hours (I did not have exactly 2 inches of ice, but roughly).
When you have about 45 minutes to go before the 3 hours is up, fill your canning pot about 1/2 way or a little more with water, and put on to boil. Wash out your canning jars in hot soapy water, and rinse. Check for any chips on the rim (do not use chipped jars). Place upside down in the oven, and turn oven on to bake and 200° F. This is how you sterilize your canning jars.

Place your lids (the flat part) and rings in a low pan and cover with boiling water for about 10 minutes. Leave in the hot water as you are canning. You CANNOT reuse the flat lids as the seal only seals once, however the rings you can reuse for several years!

Okay, now it's time to make your pickle brine. You will need:
4 cups sugar (I do 3 or 3 1/2 cups)
3 cups apple cider vinegar
2 Tablespoons mustard seed
1 1/2 teaspoons tumeric
1 1/2 teaspoons celery seed

Mix in a large pot on the stove (you don't have to heat this mixture quite yet).
Drain your cucumbers, and pick out as much of the ice that is still frozen as you can. Recipe says to remove garlic... we like it in!
Add cucumber Mixture. Bring to a boil, and turn off.
Carefully remove a steril jar from the oven (oven mitts are quite useful!). Place your funnel on the jar.
Use a ladle to fill the jar with pickles and brine with 1/2 inch "head space" at the top.
Remove air bubbles by poking a plastic knife in the jar a few times around the pickles.

Use a wet paper towel to wipe the rim of the jar clean (incase any of the brine got on it).
Carefully remove a lid and ring from the hot water (you can buy a special magnet wand that is very helpful for this step!). Place the lid on the jar, and secure with a ring.
After you have done this to seven jars, place the jars in your canning rack, and carefully lower rack into your canner of boiling water. Make sure the water covers the jars. I usually keep a kettle of boiling water handy to pour on top, just in case it's not enough to cover the jars.
Once the water comes to a boil again, set your timer for 10 minute for 1/2 pints and pints, 20 minutes for quarts.

When done, CAREFULLY remove the rack of jars (oven mitts!). Repeat process if you are making multiple batches.

Place the jars on a towel to cool. When cool, you can write the date and contents on the lid.

Now wait for the satisfying sound of "pop" as the jars seal:-) Before storing, check to make sure the little "button" on top of each lid has gone down. If any of the jars did not seal, refrigerate those jars and enjoy them sooner:-)
Now the fun part... stand back, and admire your hard work!:-) And imagine opening jars of pickles all year long!

This batch I made 3 quarts, 17 pints, and 2 half pints of pickles.

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