Friday, July 22, 2011

Our Garden - July 2011

Our garden is doing great this year! I was worried because I had to replant allot, but God has blessed us. I am getting tons of beans even though we have half the plants we had last year! And we have had so many cucumbers. I also rotated crops this year, and I like the new lay out of the garden:-) Enjoy...
You can't tell, but these zinnias are about 2 feet tall, and covered in flowers. They are so beautiful!

We have lots of green beans and wax beans. I pick a big bowl full every couple of days.

The peppers are still small, but they are coming along.

So far we have had ONE hot pepper:-)

Cucumbers are growing like mad! I've made lots of pickles, and we have been eating
allot of raw cucumbers.
Today for lunch we spread cream cheese on Triscut crackers, topped with a cucumber slice, and sprinkled on lemon pepper. DELICIOUS:-)
My sister grated and froze zucchini, and there is more on the way.

I love the Summer! I love the heat (though this 102° is getting to me a bit...),
and I love harvesting from our garden and putting up food for the winter. It's so

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