Friday, February 19, 2010

Photo Friday: Hearts

It's photo Friday at Rabecca's blog
This week's theme is hearts. Here are my contributions (I am no photographer, but I hope to get better with practice).
Valentine sugar cookie hearts:
The color is really light on this one for some reason:

...And some hearts I painted on my friend's car window for her wedding! You can see her reflection in the window too, which I think is kind of cool:-) Too bad the groom wasn't in the picture, or it would be really cool!


Bonnie said...

Anna-Did you use the flash in the 2nd one? I NEVER use the flash, fuss around with your settings on your camera- you may have one for low light with no flash. That works decently for in the house.
See ya Sunday-

Jemit said...

I love how those cookies look like they all have little frames all around them.. beautiful!

Jennifer said...

Those are nice pictures. I really like the close up of the stacked cookies. The hearts on the window with the bride is neat too. It is a fun composition picture.

Unknown said...

YUM-O!!! :)

Cochran Clan News said...

Those cookies are perfect, I love the color of the icing!

Rebecca said...

Hey-that is the idea. Everytime we put ourselves out there in a way we normally wouldn't, we are getting better.

The icing looks iridescent to me! How cool!

And I like the reflection of the bride in the photo too!